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Curtis Corner Middle School Library: Home

Using the Curtis Corner Library

Student Access

Students may checkout a book anytime that the library is open:   Monday-Friday, during homeroom, advisory or during Mrs. Carlino's planning time.  After school, the library is open Monday-Thursday from 1:55-2:15.  

Borrowing Library Items

The loan period is 10 school days (2 weeks). Students may have out up to 2 items at one time. Students with ANY overdue items may not take out materials until all overdue items are returned or replacement fees are paid unless arrangements with the librarian are made.


If you do not finish a book before the due date, please let the librarian know to renew the book.  Drop by, send an email, just let me know!

Late Fees

CCMS library does not charge fees for late books. However, replacement fees are charged if a book is lost or damaged beyond reasonable repair.

Interlibrary Loan
As a member of the RILINK consortium, the CCMS Library follows the consortium-level Interlibrary loan policy that is posted on the RILINK Website.  For more information, please see "How to Request Books from Another Library" under the "Using the Library" tabs.  


Welcome Online Researchers


Profile Photo
Deirdre Carlino
351 Broad Rock Rd.
Wakefield RI 02879

Mornings: Mon.-Fri. 7:20

After School: Mon.-Thurs. 1:55 - 2:30 p.m.
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Library Catalog



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Service and Interlibrary Loan Policies

Service Policy

  • The Curtis Corner Middle School (CCMS) library is open to Curtis Corner students and staff.

  • Curtis Corner Middle School (CCMS) students, school district staff members, and parents can check out all items that are part of our regular circulation.

  • There are no overdue fines.

  • Lost or significantly damaged materials must be paid for at the cost of replacement.

  • Interlibrary loans requests can be placed by CCMS patrons through the library staff.

Interlibrary Loan

  • All items in circulation are available for interlibrary loan with some minor exceptions:

    • Books marked as "Emerging Reader" have purchased with funds other than the library's and only circulate internally. 

    • Books that have been purchased within the month will be available for ILL on a case-by-case basis. 

    • The librarian reserves the right to not loan new materials until the school's library orientations have been completed.  

  • Library staff and patrons can submit interlibrary loan requests.

  • Interlibrary loan requests will be filled at the discretion of the school librarian.

  • Local patron hold requests take precedence over interlibrary loan requests for the same item.

  • Items that are specifically reserved for in-library or classroom use are temporarily excluded from interlibrary loan as needed.

  • An individual patron can request a maximum of two items at one time.

  • ILL requests will be filled (or declined) as quickly as possible.

  • There are no interlibrary loan fees or overdue fines.

  • Lost or significantly damaged items must be paid for at the cost of replacement. In certain circumstances, a replacement copy may be accepted.

  • Items borrowed through interlibrary loan have a 35 day loan period and can be renewed one time.